Become a member

The Somali Australian Community Association of NSW – SACA is a not-for-profit community organisation supporting migrants and refugees from Somalia or of Somali heritage and who reside in NSW. You can join today!

What’s in it for you?

It’s a good question. And one with a very simple answer. Membership has its benefits!

When you join the Somali Australian Community Association of NSW (SACA) you get access to a range of professional, community and personal development benefits. These include, amongst many others, a discount on workshops and seminars, access to the Association’s Community Advisors, and regular information on upcoming events and news in the community. Please complete the attached Membership form and email back to: 

Somali Australian Community Association of NSW – SACA waa urur bulsho oo aan macaash doon ahayn oo taageera muhaajiriinta iyo qaxootiga ka yimid Soomaaliya ama ku abtirsada Soomaalida kuna nool NSW. Waad ku biiri kartaa maanta!

Maxaa adiga kuugu jira?

Waa su’aal wanaagsan. Midna jawaab fudud. Xubinnimadu waxay leedahay faa iidooyinkeeda! Markii aad ku biirto Somali Australian Community Association of NSW (SACA) waxaad marin u heli kartaa noocyo kala duwan oo ah faa’iidooyin xirfadeed, bulsho iyo horumarin shaqsiyadeed. Kuwaas waxaa ka mid ah, kuwo kale oo badan, qiimo-dhimis aqoon-isweydaarsiyo iyo aqoon-isweydaarsiyo, helitaanka la-taliyayaasha Bulshada ee Ururka, iyo macluumaad joogto ah oo ku saabsan dhacdooyinka soo socda iyo wararka bulshada dhexdeeda ah. Fadlan buuxi foomka Xubinnimada ee halkan ku lifaaqan oo emayl ugu soo celi: